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Ernest Holly

One good moment or one bad week does not define the journey.

The journey to better health and a better life is a marathon - not a sprint. Meaning, there's going to be ups and downs, highs and lows, peaks and valleys. However, it is important not to get too high on the highs and too low on the lows - but to maintain the course. Stick to the plan and what the goal is, rather it be long term or short term. Keep the bigger picture in mind which is ultimately "A better Life", not a better week or a better moment.

We all start out making the decision to eat better and exercise more, while those things are important, we often look at them as THE BOTTOM LINE. I'm here to tell you, they're not! Realistically, these are steppingstones - which can go either way. You can go up a steppingstone or you can trip down a steppingstone; either way it's all a part of the process.

For example: A week or two of eating the right things and going to the gym would usually be something to celebrate. However, having a celebratory moment is cool but the lesson is to not get caught up in that one moment. Appreciate the fact that you had a good week but understand that week is now in the past. As well as, understanding the following week can be just as good or it can be the exact opposite. The only thing that determines how this new week goes is by what you do IN THIS WEEK; that's it. You have to understand that you're living the journey, although you know how you want the final chapter to end - which is you accomplishing your goals, it is unrealistic to not expect it to be not only sunny days but rainy days as well.

"Having a celebratory moment is cool but the lesson is to not get caught up in that one moment"

With the being said, don't be so hard on yourself when you have a week that doesn't according to your plan. That one week of bad eating and not working as much or as hard, that does not make you a failure. It does not define the journey. What it ultimately does, is remind you that you're a work in progress. You're working to improve yourself so be mindful of that. It also serves as great reminders of what you are running from and running towards.

In addition, so many people like to go jump right into it, but keep in mind that going cold turkey is not ideal. Going from terrible to terrific is not only unrealistic but it is also not sustainable. If you try and force yourself to make this complete 180 what happens is, you set yourself up for a major fall. The likelihood of sustaining what your goal is overnight is like saying "I've never ran a day in my life, but I'm going to sign up for a marathon this weekend. Sounds crazy right? Well, it's the same concept while working on your health. Find a plan and work on that plan, prepare for ups and downs but trust the process - that simple.

"Prepare for ups and downs but trust the process"

We often see these transformation stories on social media and on television, but what we do not see is the hard times. We don't see the weight gain or the self-doubts. We don't see the "I know I shouldn't be eating this" or the "I know I should've been doing that" We see the before and after pictures and the killer gyms videos, but the truth is - the bad days are just as impactful as the good days, trust me I know. So, I know it's cliche but take it one day at a time, one milestone at a time, one moment at a time. The more you understand that the less stressful and rewarding the journey can be.

Actively changing your mindset and habits are more important than having a good week or a good moment. This is a life changing journey where we want habits to become second nature. We're working so that putting your health first is no longer an option, but the only option. That is when you really get to see the transformation! The weight loss and the pictures are impactful, but the transforming of the mind to put health first opens up the door for ultimate self-care- mind, body, and soul.

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